How do I get the recruiting process started?

How do I get the recruiting process started?

Coaches need to meet you and see you play – in person or swing video – in order to have legitimate interest in recruiting you. Before you start calling, emailing and taking unofficial visits – Get your student-athlete resume organized and your swing video ready. Giving coaches this basic information about you should give them reason to take the next step in recruiting you to play for their program. A few other things you might want to consider doing are making a list of 40-50 schools and categorizing them by “reach, goal and backup”. Also, signing up for the NCAA Eligibility Center if you’re looking to play Division I or II, and taking practice tests for the SAT/ACT are great steps you can take to become more prepared if you are a freshman or sophomore in the process.

So you’ve finalized your personal resume and swing video, you believe you’re on the fast track to getting noticed by coaches and being offered a scholarship any day now. Not so fast!

In order to “take the next step” you’re going to have to increase the number of meaningful interactions with college coaches. A “meaningful” conversation could be anything from an campus visit where a player is actually walking side by side with a coach, meeting the team, and touring the facilities to a quick phone call from the comfort of your own home explaining to the coach who you are, asking relevant questions about their program and being open and honest with them about your game. With the recruiting process changing, nowadays, your experience might start with the assistant coach. Don’t panic, many assistants are taking over the recruiting duties for the head coach – at least in the “hunting and gathering” stages of the recruiting process. If this is the case, you will most likely speak with the coach after a few interactions with the assistant, and then he/she will guide you through the rest of the recruiting process.

Always, always, always….

Be honest and open with coaches. “Fibbing” or misleading a coach will do you no good. If you’re honest and open from the beginning, you will not only be doing something your peers have overlooked, you will also create a respect and trust factor with that particular coach that will go a long way to building a relationship with them!

Best of luck on the recruiting trail!


Mike Smith is the Founder & CEO of ForeCollegeGolf and specializes in assisting junior golfers & their families through the college recruiting process. Email him @

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Three MAJOR Mistakes commonly made in Today's College Recruiting Process

In a growing industry with thousands of participants, I am amazed that most people make the same known mistakes over and over again. If you allow it, the results of the college recruiting process can become quite predictable and not so desirable.

Every year, thousands of qualified and capable golfers completely miss out on their opportunity of playing college golf. Even more common, many attend the wrong school in false belief of their personal abilities or the opportunity to play. Junior golf parents across America are left overpaying for college by the tens of thousands of dollars. But that doesn’t have to be your story.

Over the last few years I’ve picked up on many mistakes being made in the college recruiting process. College-hopeful athletes can leapfrog their competition by doing things right and avoiding the mistakes outlined in this article and parents can save thousands on college costs and hours of headache by being knowledgeable about the process.

We’ve identified the three most common mistakes made by athletes and their families in the college recruiting process and listed them for you. Below, you will find the mistakes I most often see and tips to help you avoid making these same errors.


Mistake #1: Hiding behind the keyboard

The single biggest mistake I see junior golfers making during the recruiting process is hiding behind the keyboard. In today’s day and age, so many people are consumed with what’s on the screen in front of them and neglect the opportunity to build the real meaningful relationships around them. I see players willing to communicate via email but so many of those same players are reluctant to pick up the phone, which is seemingly glued to their fingertips. IRONIC! One thing you’ll need to embrace if you want to be successful, not only in the recruiting process but also in life, is that meaningful relationships are key. So get busy! Build relationships; real, genuine, face-to-face relationships and over time you will see the recruiting process evolve right in front of your eyes.

Biggest misconception: “If I just put up a few low scores, Coaches will start to email me.”

Not only is this a myth, but email communication is becoming thought of as an acceptable way to develop relationships from the junior golfers perspective, which is a huge fallacy.

Get this… Email communication doesn’t start relationships and most often it’s too late for players once they realize they have to start dialing the phone and visiting schools in order to be recruited. Most times, I see that if players don’t start dialing until Junior year or later, disappointment will set in. Some feel depressed or down on themselves after an underwhelming lack of responses from coaches. A select few, even have thoughts of quitting when coaches don’t respond to them.

What you should do…

Send introductory emails with the motivation to get your foot in the door, then make it your obligation to begin building meaningful relationships. Pick up the phone and start dialing. Be persistent, stay open minded, curious and ask good relevant questions in order to find your “best-fit” school or university.


Mistake #2: Eyeing the wrong schools or too few of them

Another mistake I’ve encountered far too often is players focusing on schools that do not fit them – athletically, academically, and socially.

When players come to me for the first time, they often arrive with a list of schools far reaching from their current athletic and academic abilities. Even worse, some players haven’t gathered or organized a list of potential colleges at all and sometimes even the best players neglect researching the social or extracurricular aspects of the schools they wish to attend.

Biggest misconception: The single biggest misconception in the recruiting world comes full circle when players attempt to compare junior golf scores to college golf scores. Simply stated, all golf scores are not created equal! Many golf industry professionals and college coaches that I talk to equate the scoring differential between junior golf and college golf to almost 3 shots …. per round! Therefore, if you are researching a particular school and their #5 player has a 75 average, it’s most likely they were averaging even par 72 during their junior golf career. Far too often I encounter players and families that come to me saying “I know I can play for them, my average is better than player # so-and-so”. Unfortunately, this just doesn’t add up. Traditionally, I tell my players to compare their scores to the top three (3) players on the current roster and if their scores aren’t comparable, they should probably look elsewhere for playing opportunities.

Get this…

I don’t believe players are purposefully choosing schools that don’t fit them. I believe that their lack of knowledge and research is truly holding them back. They target colleges that aren’t a match from the get-go. They say “I want to go D1”, but fail to do any research or probing on what the particular schools and golf programs have to offer.

What you should do…

Most players don’t really understand what they want out of a school until they are on campus themselves, meet with the coaching staff, and get a better feel for the team.


First, target colleges that are a match. How? Consider the following categories.

  1. Athletic - research schools and make certain that your current scoring average is equivalent to the # 1-3 players on the roster.

  2. Academic – Ask yourself, can I be admitted to this particular school? Does this school offer major fields that interest me, can I see myself being comfortable in this academic environment, class size, rigor, study hall, libraries, tutoring help, etc.

  3. Social – Ask yourself, what if golf doesn’t work out? What if I happened to get hurt or get sick? Will the coach help me find other opportunities? Can I find other extracurriculars to suffice?

Then, set up unofficial visits with schools of interest.

Begin to meet with coaches and embrace them with a sincere handshake and good eye contact. The most undervalued aspect of the recruiting process is your personal character. If you know you are a good candidate and you can add tremendous value to a particular golf program, then it’s your objective and responsibility to convey that to coaches.


Mistake #3: Relying on the “If I play well enough, coaches will find me” attitude

If you are a Power 5* Recruit, this could potentially be true, however, this is not the case for 99% of junior golfers. These players are truly exceptional, and are most often ranked inside the top100 in their recruiting class and average under par by junior year. Coaches will notice and begin recruiting these players before high-school and sending them recruiting questionnaires and inviting them to summer camps.

*Power 5 conference school (SEC, ACC, Big 12, Big 10, Pac 12).

For those of you who are not part of the 1%, a good rule of thumb is to NOT expect coaches to find you, but to be patiently proactive during the recruiting process and reach out to coaches on your own.

Biggest misconception: Many players are extremely nearsighted when it comes to the recruiting process and how they expect to go from point A (where they are now) to point B (getting recruited). They expect coaches to magically find them (within the sea of 10,000+ junior golfers), recruit them and offer them scholarships. This simply doesn’t happen.

Get this…

Today, the recruiting process is happening earlier and earlier. Players are committing to colleges in their Freshman and Sophomore years. This trend is becoming a formality for a few reasons. Here are a few Coaches giving their take…

“Golf is going early just like other sports. The top programs are pushed to be better and better so they are try to get the best and commit them as soon as possible. Athletic departments are putting more pressure on them than ever before. The issue is that it is only a verbal commitment and if the player doesn't continue to progress the coach will not honor the commitment and find someone else.”

  • Mid-Major Division 1 Coach

“We would love to sit and wait to hand out our offers. However, nowadays we simply can’t do that.”

  • Mid-Major Division 1 Asst. Coach

“Most sports are headed in that direction. Players are getting better at a younger age, which makes it easier to evaluate them. It’s the nature of the game and everyone has to adjust.”

- Division 1 Head Coach in the SEC

What you should do…

Understand that in todays day and age, if you aren’t receiving calls from Coaches by September of your Junior Year, it’s unlikely that you will be offered a significant scholarship at a Power 5* conference school.

  • If you are a top recruit in the country, begin speaking with coaches and taking unofficial visits to college campuses during your early years in high school.

  • If you are a good junior player but not an elite recruit, plan on calling coaches and taking unofficial visits early on but be reasonable with the schools that you visit and pursue.

  • If you are a “late-bloomer” – don’t expect to gain much interest from top50 schools, as most have already finished recruiting by Junior year. Although there are few opportunities left, you will however have more opportunity of gaining the attention of college coaches around Early Signing Day of your senior year.

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5 Changes to AMP Up Your College Recruiting Presence

  1. Start Dialing: In this day and age of social networking, texting, email, Facebook, Twitter, it is unbelievably easy to communicate with the world without ever actually speaking. It’s no secret that college coaches like to recruit talented athletes who have displayed success on the field and in the classroom, but other traits they love are maturity and confidence. Your ability to communicate with college coaches on the phone and in person will go a long way in determining if you are recruited over another athlete with similar skill. You can call NCAA coaches at any age and anytime, so start dialing!

  1. Make tough decisions: What colleges you apply to and ultimately attend may be the first of several important decisions you have to make this year. Have you heard the saying “time is money”? Well it’s true with junior golf too. Channel your energy for situations that will get you to where you want to be. Make those tough decisions confidently!

  2. Be prepared for roadblocks: To succeed in the recruiting process, you will need a unique set of skills (academic, athletic, social, work ethic, desire, attitude) that other recruits do not have. Some families get locked in to a small list of “dream” schools, and they focus all their energy on those schools with the assumption that one of them will work out. There are so many factors to the recruiting process and many things you cannot control, so it is important to expand your list of colleges where you can potentially play and where your skills may be needed. If you get a “no” from five college coaches, move on to the sixth, seventh and eighth school on your list. Be prepared for the roadblocks and the unexpected!

  3. “Respect…. People!”: It is important to treat everyone you meet in life with respect including parents, teachers, high school coaches, instructors and so forth. You never know what role someone may play in your life and contribute to your success. You never know how the recruiting process is going to play out. You may have to place a last-minute phone call to a college coach who was recruiting you 8 months ago because other opportunities did not work out as planned, so respect ….people!

  4. You are as much a part of the process as the college coach is: Arguably, the most common misconception is that high school athletes don’t have any say in the recruiting process. Most think they have to wait for college coaches to choose them and make them an offer. The harder you work in school, the harder you work in practice, the harder you work to identify what colleges might be a good fit and the harder you work to contact those coaches directly will increase your ability to choose what colleges accept you. ForeCollegeGolf can help you package your skills and find colleges where you are more desired and a better fit. You will have more offers, and ideally, you will decide where you attend college. So know that you have power and use it wisely!

Mike Smith is the Founder & CEO of ForeCollegeGolf and specializes in assisting junior golfers & their families through the college recruiting process. Email him @

The Keys to an Effective Resume

During today's college recruiting process, it’s more important than ever to provide the right information to Coaches and to do it strategically at the right time.

Each year, college coaches across the country are inundated with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of emails and resumes. It’s important to remember that recruiting tactics differ greatly from program to program.

The vast majority of collegiate golf programs have a staff of one, the head coach, and many Division III and NAIA schools have a head coach who advises both the Men’s and Women’s programs! In contrast, many top programs in the country have large staffs consisting of directors of golf, head coaches, associate coaches, and assistant coaches who share different duties in the recruiting process. College assistants help offset the additional athletic duties of the head coach but still take on the obligations of sorting through the countless numbers of resumes, swing videos, trackman reports, transcripts, referral emails, and everything else they receive.

The bottom line is, college coaches simply don't have time to look at each and every detail on your resume. For this exact reason, it is crucial that you arrange your resume in the format they are looking for with the necessary information they will need to qualify you as a potential recruit.

Here's a list of things they will look for and below you will find a sample resume for formatting purposes:

  • Graduation year

  • Tournament finishes and scores

  • Personal Photo or Headshot

  • Junior Golf Scoreboard or WAGR Golf Ranking

  • Personal references, Instructor Contact Info, other points of contact

  • Academic profile (GPA, test scores & transcripts) and which parts

  • Community involvement

  • Leadership roles (sport or non-sport)

  • Fitness / other sport involvement

  • Swing video

  • Personal goal, motivation, or vision

Keep in mind: A well-written golf resume provides college coaches a quick and clear understanding of your ability to contribute, athletically and academically, to their respective golf program as a Freshman.

So, is your golf resume ready for college coaches? Take a look below at ForeCollegeGolf’s sample resume.

Jack Lapiana Resume.png

High school coaches, instructors, and other personal references serve as great recommendations. Attaching a recommendation letter to your resume could go a long way in impressing Coaches and grabbing their attention.

Additionally, your recruiting profile should also include an original cover letter addressed (individually) to each college coach. As you can see from the above image, all of your resume content should fit on one printed page and be neatly organized. Thus, giving college coaches the ability to quickly see your information, and qualify you on the spot.

While a few individual tournaments can be left out, the bulk of your recent tournament scores, good or bad, should be included on your resume. Upcoming tournaments should always be included. This way Coaches can see where you will be playing and be sure to follow your scores/progress and have an opportunity to come watch you play.

We hope this clears up some of the questions and confusion around what a proper resume or CV should look like! Please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.

Mike Smith is the Founder & CEO of ForeCollegeGolf and specializes in assisting junior golfers & their families through the college recruiting process. Email him @

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